Illegal Immigration

Semantics matter when defining “legal migration” vs “illegal immigration”. Moreover, the UK and US governments are trying to redefine “illegal” status as “legal” status. They think their citizens are too stupid to know the difference. But they are playing a three monte trick. Meanwhile in the United States of Amerika, 46 states are providing voter registration forms to non-citizens.

The ‘white guilt’ contagion is spreading faster than Coronavirus. Furthermore, can you imagine allowing 800,000 green card holders to vote in elections? That’s what NYC Mayor De Blasio tried to do in 2021. However, the state appeals court disagreed. Another ‘white saviour,’ Labour PM, Tony Blair was the father of mass immigration’ to the UK. The illegal immigration wave continued under the Conservatives and Boris Johnson. It will continue under new Labour PM, Sir Keir Starmer.

Unvetted illegals continue to pour in through the southern borders of the US and channel crossings into the UK. These mass, unfettered influx of ‘law-breakers’ have changed the culture of nations. And put their citizens at risk. Who needs guns when you have knives or a machete.

It’s time we start calling them for who they are. LAW-BREAKING illegals. They are not migrants.

Illegal Immigration: Repeating Europe’s Mistakes

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” hosts the EU-US Forum’s panel discussion on immigration, focusing on the shift in American and European attitudes towards the issue and why America appears to be repeating the mistakes of most of Europe. The panelists, including former senior White House adviser Matt Mowers, former acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Chad Wolf, Director of Tech Policy Center at the Heritage Foundation Kara Frederick, former assistant to the president for domestic policy Joe Grogan, and the senior counselor to the president and EEW Richardson fellow at the Heritage Foundation James Carafano, discussed the impact of illegal immigration on local communities, national security, and cultural assimilation. They argue that the current immigration crisis is a result of failed policies and a lack of border control and call for a re-evaluation of immigration systems that prioritize the interests of citizens; and much more.

04-June-2024 | The Rubin Report

Remember Troy: Radical ‘Illiberal’ Border Infiltration

GB Media | 13th October 2023

Israel is a stark warning for the rest of the world. When the Giant sleeps, the enemy plans. Remember Troy. You don’t need armies or tanks. You only need human missiles. If you don’t believe this is occurring in the West, just look to France for clues. The borders are open and the enemies are welcomed in with ‘open arms’.

The Fringe and the Weirdos have taken over the asylum…just take a close look at Joe Biden’s Cabinet of Fools. Meanwhile in the UK, we had “oppressed” Albanians dancing in the streets last year, disrupting traffic and defacing Churchill with their flag. Pro Palestinian sentiment is nothing new, and we heard the chants during BLM. Now, it’s a sickness that has spread faster than the Coronavirus. Imagine celebrating the deaths and beheadings of babies!

13-October-2023 | Megyn Kelly Show | Ayaan Hirsi Ali