What is a Woman

You would think that by 2023, we would have gender all figured out. However, answering the question, ‘what is a woman’ and ‘who becomes a woman’ is hotly debated by gender-woke and trans-woke activists. Moreover, these activists believe that a man could become a woman and a woman could become a man. They completely ignore science and biology, of course. Here are thoughts on the matter. Of course, you are welcome to disagree.

Women Rising: “I AM Not a Dress”

Biological adult females don’t have a ‘penis’ you numpties! (GB Media). “Brandubh” is a 14-year old women’s rights activist from Ireland. She was interviewed on Megyn Kelly Podcast.

12-June-2023 | TheDC Shorts

Support Women’s Spaces

GB Media | 7th June 2023 | 14th April 2023

Gabrielle Bourne Media supports “Women’s Spaces”. A “woman” is defined as a ‘biological adult human female‘ because ‘biology’ matters. If you have a ‘penis’ you are still a man. In addition, if you fully “transition” you are considered a “trans-woman”, not a woman. Moreover, stop conflating your identity.

For example, Dylan Mulvaney and William “Lia” Thomas never had ‘periods’ and are not biologically the same as a woman. Furthermore, Mulvaney wants to get pregnant? So, what planet is he from? The last we checked, he was a guy with a ‘penis’ pretending to be a woman. Additionally, he wanted to “normalise” the bulge. Besides, Men are not women. Moreover, men do not have reproductive organs. Full Stop. Given that, keep men out of women’s spaces.

What is a Woman by Megyn Kelly

Megyn Kelly is now pissed? But wasn’t she part of the problem by allowing ‘acceptance’ rather than pushback? Albeit, it’s never too late to right a wrong, the damage has already been done. Consequently, fewer the pushback, the worse the damage. Moreover, similar tactics used by the looney activists should be used against them. However, violence is never the answer.

19-April-2023 | Megyn Kelly

You’re a Man!

And…So is William ‘Lia’ Thomas…And…So is Dylan Mulvaney…And So are ALL MEN claiming to be women.

08-September-2023 | TheDC Shorts

What is a Woman by Martina Navratilova

What is a Woman - Martina Tweet on Lia Thomas Feminism

Riley Gains Vs. William “Lia” Thomas

Why is a man in a female locker room? Furthermore,Will “Lia” Thomas was fully intact. Consequently because of Will’s actions, Riley and the other female swimmers had to share a locker room with this man. Moreover, how is a naked man in a women’s locker room ok? It’s not. (GB Media)

21-June-2023 | Forbes Breaking News

Paula Scalan Finds her ‘Voice’

A former teammate of William ‘Lia’ Thomas speaks out.

06-June-2023 | Matt Walsh

You’re Just a Man: A Musical Parody

06-July-2023 | The Babylon Bee | He’s a Man

Exposing Trans Agenda in Schools

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to former fifth-grade teacher Ray Shelton of California’s Glendale Unified School District about how he went viral for his comments on “Dr. Phil” about trans ideology; why he decided to risk his career and reputation to speak out against the transgender agenda; how his being gay gives him more freedom to critique the LGBTQ indoctrination occurring in schools; and how parents are being lied to about biological boys and girls showering in the same changing room. Dave also speaks to Ray’s lawyer, David Pivtorak, about why Ray is suing the school and how you can support Ray in his legal battle; and much more.

“Men do not menstruate”. Ray, the 5th grade teacher, debunks falsehoods on Dr. Phil Show aired on 30th April 2023. The clip by FBN FightBack News posted on Youtube on 6th June 2023 is no longer available. The account was terminated by Youtube. (GB Media)

What is a Woman? “Female down to our DNA”

A California high school student has slammed her district for allowing a transgender student who is biologically male to put women’s safety in “jeopardy” by using the girls’ locker room – after a video emerged of the trans teen assaulting a female. Megan Simpkins, 18, a senior at Martin Luther King High School in Riverside, gave an impassioned speech at a recent school board meeting, where she described the fight and assailed the district’s policy.

Biology taught by a 12 year old

01-May-2023 | BlazeTV | There are only two genders

What is a Woman? Not These biological Men 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏿‍♀️

Who knew the final wave of feminism would be women cheering for men wearing dresses”? (@WinsomeWinslet)

12-July-2023 | TheDC Shorts

What is a Woman by Blaire White

What is a Woman - Trans women are not women Blair White

No Biological Men in Women’s Spaces

No men in women’s toilets’! That’s because Irish Restauranteur, Paul Treyvaud takes a stand for women!

What is a Woman - Paul Treyvaud