
➡️ Showbiz News and Entertainment includes indexed articles ⬅️

Gabrielle Bourne Media created Showbiz News and Entertainment to cover some showbiz items. However, this is not to say that we will post about upcoming productions and projects. By all means check out our IMDb, which provides limited value information. We supported the SAG-AFTRA strike, albeit we mostly work outside the AMPTP. (19-July-2023). Check out the guidance for Equity U.K. members.

Showbiz News and Entertainment - Hollywood trends

Showbiz News and Entertainment

Showbiz News and Entertainment launched in April 2021. The catalyst was the Sharon Osbourne story. Because it was an important social story to tell. Osbourne was the scapegoat by CBS, but the whole ‘racism’ claims made by the network, in particular The Talk show was fake news. Furthermore, we have the receipts!

Moreover, Gabrielle Bourne Media exposes race-baiters, race hustlers and entities who use ‘race’ and identity politics to “control” and “cancel” free speech. In the United States, the First Amendment protects freedom of speech. In the UK, we have freedom of opinion and expression.

We will also “uncover” some social media stories, including the diatribe ‘celebrity wannabe’ nonsense culture and other useless ‘Influencers’ who care more for clicks and likes and the ‘bottomline’ rather than Integrity. In the process, they ‘knowingly’ or ‘unknowingly’ participated in financial frauds and scams, including promoting FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried.

Who Hired Rachel Zegler for ‘Snow White’?

GB Media | 18 August 2023

In the iconic words of Julia Robert’s character, Vivian, in Pretty Woman, “Big mistake…Huge”! Humility, gratitude and “class” are characteristics lacking in this ‘entitled’ and ‘narcissistic’ brat. Zegler should take elocution lessons from Anya Taylor-Joy or Elle Fanning. Zegler is no doubt a gifted actress. Her vocal range is in the same camp as Emmy Rossum. So, here is a forewarning. 

Since starring in two notable films, The Phantom of the Opera and The Day After Tomorrow, Rossum’s career basically went no where. Rossum was 18 years old at the time. Futhermore, unlike Rossum, Zegler is a “diversity inclusion” quota from Hollywood. And you know those diversity hires allow non-whites to play white parts, even though, “Snow White” has ‘skin as white as snow’. But the box office is a fickle thing. Just because you are a ‘black’ mermaid doesn’t mean you can carry a film, or even ‘break even’ at the box office.

18-August-2023 | All Right Let’s Talk About It

F**k The Media and Hollywood

GB Media | 16 July 2023

The Guardian, CNN, Rolling Stone, and others are spreading false associations. They are trying to link the film, Sound of Freedom to QAnon. Furthermore, they are LYING to the public. Moreover, the script for this film was developed in 2015. Consequently, when the film was completed in 2018, 20th Century Fox in Latin America was supposed to distribute the film. When the studio was bought out by Disney, the film languished in their vaults for five (5) years, until Angel Studios acquired the rights to distribute the film in 2023.

By contrast, QAnon was created in 2017.

‘Celebrities’ Vs. Meghan Markle

Gabrielle Bourne Media maintains a separate Meghan Markle report. Moreover, you can find a “treasure trove” of her ill gotten gains. Therefore, we aptly named her The Whinge, for her constant complaining, race-hustling and tantrums. In our view, Meghan Markle is no celebrity. She is a ‘headline grabber’ and ‘celebrity wannabe’. And just like many ‘wannabe’ celebrities, she worked with paps to stage photos. Guess nothing has changed. Remember New York City?

In Latin, celibritatem is to celebrate, There is nothing to celebrate about Meghan Markle. She was a mediocre actress who became famous after she married a Prince. Before she was ‘Meghan, who?’ Now, she is capitalising on her titles to make her even more wealth than she could ever have imagined.

Sharon Osbourne Vs. ‘Race-baiters’ and ‘Race-hustlers’

Sharon Osbourne was the catalyst to start the Showbiz News and Entertainment, because it was important to expose the Sharon Osbourne ‘racial’ allegations story. It was fake news, promoted by CBS and the ‘fangirl’ media.

We included the video where she ‘supposedly’ called a co-host ‘Ghetto’. She actually didn’t. In the video she stated, “It’s all Ghetto” meaning the way the other co-host was talking. In addition, that co-host parodied British speech, in jest. So the comment by Osbourne was also made in jest. The issue with Race-baiters and Race-hustlers they dismiss FACTS for their ‘fantasy’ of the truth. Their ‘truth’ is actually a lie.

Additionally, Gabrielle Bourne Media exposes entertainment personalities, companies, segments, series, shows and films that use “race” to promote more “racism”. Furthermore, we had enough of this diatribe.

Showbiz News and Entertainment? 🤣


Jimmy Kimmel in ‘blackface’ 🤦🏾‍♀️

Before opening up your gob, check your own history! Oops!

Showbiz News and Entertainment - Jimmy Kimmel blackface
gr8latino VIA Comedy Central | 01-June-2013

Social Media Influencers: SCAMS 🚩

GB News | 22nd April 2021

Gabrielle Bourne Media’s 20+ years in ‘Showbiz’ exposes the frauds and scams! Whenever you see or hear the ‘buzz’ word ‘influencers‘ TUNE OUT. That’s because most are ‘parrots’ and ‘mannequins’ working for a ‘paymaster’. Moreover, their primary goal is making $$$$. Additionally, they are only click bait to make their paymasters richer, and you…just scammed and broke.

Sunrise | 22-April-21

Showbiz News and Entertainment: SCAMS 🚩

The International WELL Building Institute is the brainchild of a former Goldman Sachs partner; its parent company is worth around $800 million. And you guessed it if you want a WELL Health-Safety Rating, it’ll cost you – it’ll cost you upwards of $12,000“. (Sky News Australia)

Sky News Australia | 02-April-21
Three Crowns