China Failing

China failing with the arrest of Australian Journalist Cheng Lei on trumped up ’spying’ charges. They wanted to make an example, but all they showed was their hand. Moreover, China is an existential threat to the world. They are not good for business either. Furthermore, we must expose companies and individuals like Meghan Markle who believe ‘human rights’ in the Xinjiang Province don’t matter.

China Exposed Cheng Li
Image credit: Getty

San Francisco Failing

GB Media | 14 November 2023

San Francisco is failing or rather tanking faster than the Titanic. The destructive iceberg is non other than ‘lizard’ man, Governor Gavin Newsom. Somehow, he managed to ‘clean up’ San Francisco just in time for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. Unfortunately, he is too self-absorbed to care enough about this constituents. He rather pander to a destructive dictator, rather than creating a viable infrastructure for San Francisco. Forget the shopping Mrs. Xi Jinping. San Francisco doesn’t have a thriving retail sector…anymore.

China Failing - San Francisco
China Failing - San Francisco

China Failing: Xi Jinging

The danger China poses is a real one. Xi Jinping has successfully secured a third term as the Communist Party boss. His predecessor, Hu Jintao was forcefully removed by Xi Jinping’s henchmen, in a “staged” proceeding that was captured by the ‘world’ media. This visual display of power was ‘intentional’. Don’t believe otherwise. This incident and any reference to Hu Jintao was scrubbed from Chinese media and their internet.

22-October-2022 | The Telegraph

GB Media | 12- February-2021 (Updated)

China’s economy is in bad shape. Leading out of Covid lockdowns for the rest of the world, China has not reached “herd immunity” because of their Zero Covid policy. Economist point to their expansive and expensive high speed rail project, real estate and housing crisis (i.e. Evergrande) and massive debt negotiations (est £54B) for their One Belt, One Road initiative, among other indicators including China’s bank run. Apple and other technology companies are also moving away from their “dependency” on China.

China Exposed Cheng Lei
08-Feb-2021 | Sky News Australia

Biden’s China Failing

China just sent a ‘chilling message’ to the rest of the world.

Victorian Liberty Party President, Michael Kroger said,

Communist China should not be given respect when it arbitrarily detains and arrests foreign citizens, like Australian citizen Cheng Lei.

Foreign Affairs Minister Marise Payne confirmed the arrest.

Cheng Lei was formally arrested last Friday. She is accused of leaking state secrets.

Mr Kroger said the Chinese spokespeople push “nonsense and bulldust”. And then expect the rest of the world to “believe this drivel” about respecting their processes.

Mr. Kroger also added.

This is a government where 99 per cent of people charged are found guilty. It is a dictatorial, repressive, communist regime. It’s one of the last and worst communist regimes in the world, and they should be given no respect at all on issues like this.

Former Labor minister Stephen Conroy told Sky News China is becoming increasingly adept at “hostage diplomacy”. He said the arrest is a broader more “chilling message”, when it comes to issues around Hong Kong, free trade, and Taiwan. “This is just another little message to the rest of the world.”

China Failing: Cheng Li Propagandised

29-April-2021 | Sky News Australia

Former China correspondent Rowan Callick says Australia needs to keep the case of Australian Journalist Cheng Lei “constantly under attention”.

“I believe that to honour her, the best thing that we can do is keep her case constantly under attention,” Mr Callick told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “I believe those of us who are her friends or who know her, or people like yourself who might respect her and what she stands for, might talk about her constantly and remind our own government that we need to continue to make representations.”

Why we cannot Turn a Blind Eye to China

12-Feb-2021 | Sky News Australia

Sky News Host Cory Bernardi postulates on China’s underbelly.

We cannot afford to turn our back on the lessons of history, lest we be “doomed to repeat it.

The world is turning a blind eye to what’s going on in China. They are doing so mostly for financial reasons. It seems nothing soothes righteous anger like a bucket load of communist party money, he said. As our world enters a more authoritarian phase of governance, it is only prudent to recall how previous authoritarian moves have ended.

You see, we’ve been here many times before, where a political movement thinks the ends justify the means, where ruling by the elites is characterised by cancel culture, restrictions on liberty, polarisation, division, the exclusion of certain individuals, and even death. The results have often been bloody and catastrophic.

Political Ideology and a lust for personal power

More often than not, these atrocities are led by political ideology and a lust for personal power. Mr Bernardi said prime examples of this included the rise of National Socialism in Nazi Germany where six million Jews were systematically exterminated. Before that, beginning in 1922, the communist regime of Joseph Stalin murdered an estimated 15 million by famine, purges, labour camps, and massacres. “Stalin’s atrocities have been largely forgotten as the unreconstructed communists among us seek to sanitise their ideology,” Mr Bernardi said.

I’d hazard a guess that few school children today know the facts surrounding the Soviet era, or Nazi Germany, the Young Turks, or the rise of the Chinese communists. “Instead, they are fed a diet rich in self-loathing where the West are the tyrants and everyone else is the victim. That’s why we see history repeat. Ignorance and inaction in the face of similar circumstances.

When so many are happy to publicly pontificate about the Marxist and manufactured BLM or other manufactured and invented social constructs, they are strangely silent when it comes to suspected genocide by a world power. The thing is, tyranny doesn’t just go away. History shows that it gets worse and worse until it is actually stopped.”

China Exposed: Surviving Communism

The “irony” of Lily Tang Williams and Yeonmi Park teaching Americans about the dangers of Marxism, Communism and Critical Race Theory.

21-April-2021 | Gothix