Prepping 101

Prepping 101 Prep Defence 101
Prepping 101 Contributors: The Defenders | 11-October-2022

Gabrielle Bourne Media believes in “We the People” and upholds the first, second and fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. Further, we believe Prepping 101 saves lives, protects resources and safeguards our readiness.

Prepping 101 - US Constitution 2A - Gabrielle Bourne Media

Are YOU Ready?

Prepping means to be ready for whatever may come down the pipeline. This could be natural disasters or an economic crisis, as the one witnessed in 2022. Many also remember the housing crisis of 2008. Some even experienced ‘black Monday’ 1987. Or how about ‘black Thursday’ 1929? These were significant financial chapters as investors and wealth builders. But what about the physical threats and dangers? This brings us back to why we created this report in 2022.

Update report for 2023 (7th October) and beyond. Israel just learned a hard and painful lesson. Moreover, radicals and extremists build nothing. They destroy and decimate. Now, they are all coming out of the fabrics of society, where they were hiding in plain sight. In the U.S. reports of gangs and drug cartels are running amuck. Look up Tren de Aragua and see the results for this dangerous gang now in the U.S. because of Biden/Harris.

Tulsi Gabbard
Prepping 101 Tulsi Gabbard

3 April 2024 | spartan117gw – I had the pleasure of seeing Tulsi Gabbard, former Congresswoman, Presidential Candidate, Army SOF veteran compete at the tactical games with her customized AR-15

Why Prepping 101 Matters

Society has become complacent. This is evidence by the lack of preparedness for any situation. During Covid-19 lockdowns, individuals and families were waiting around for their measly stimulus checks from the US Biden government. Additionally, Trump was not immune because he had very bad people in his administration. This included Anthony Fauci.

In the UK and Australia, people were going bonkers rushing grocery stores to horde supplies. Meanwhile, many citizens could not afford to pay rent or mortgage because of lock downs and business closures. Indeed, not many thought that Prepping 101, or the basics of surviving was that important before Covid hit the world. This led to mass panic in the grocery stores and lack of calm in the general sectors.

The Defenders go beyond Prepping 101. West coast Floridians learned this lesson during the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. Some homeowners stood their ground to protect their vulnerable neighbourhoods against looters.

The idea of defending one’s property seemed to be a foreign concept during the Black Lives Matter riots. But look at all the businesses burnt down and/or looted, the summer of illiberal nonsense about a criminal named George Floyd. It was just another excuse to steal and go bonkers. Even today, cities such as New York, Chicago and Los Angeles allow thug violence. Finally, businesses like Home Depot is waking up and putting the middle finger up to thuggery. Better late than never!

Prepping 101: The Great Equaliser

2 February 2023 | Rob Here Trev2323 | Sheriff Grady Judd Polk County FL
Replaces: 8 October 2022 | Papas Bar – Dieter Knittel

Prepping 101: Gun Ownership & Responsibilities

6 April 2023 | USCCA | White House Not Happy?

GB Media | 3rd April 2023

Florida USA becomes the 26th ‘Constitutional Carry’ state. Additionally, Floridans won’t need a permit to ‘conceal carry’ starting 1st July. However, this does not negate ‘responsible gun ownership’. Gabrielle Bourne Media advises everyone who handle guns, to get proper training. Prepping 101 will help you efficiently ‘prepare‘. Because a gun is a ‘Great Equaliser’ when used responsibly and properly.

In the United States, please refer to USCCA (United States) for more information on gun ownership, responsibilities, training and Self-Defence Shield

Let’s be honest, the Biden administration failed America. They also failed to address black on black crimes and crimes against others. Let’s not forget that Biden was a ‘segregationist’ before he apparently tripped on ‘woke’. For a man who was not in favour of ‘black’ integration in schools, Biden is ‘whatever’ sticks work kinda guy now. Currently, the ‘hot ticket’ topic is transgender mutilation of children. He still doesn’t give a damn about blacks. If he did, he would be trying to improve inner-city life.

Strict Gun Control ‘Won’t Stop Evil’

The ‘strictest’ gun laws will never stop evil. Moreover, an individual could pass all the background checks and still commit a crime. Additionally, the ‘black market’ is open 24/7. Criminals know how to obtain guns. No laws have succeeded in curtailing these transactions. Yet, ‘the government’ wants to take away the 2nd Amendment rights from their citizens. People with mental defect and degenerates can obtain guns legally or ‘illegally’. You also don’t need guns to kill.

In the UK, we don’t have gun problems, we have knife problems. The thugs and criminals use knives and machetes. The UK has one of the strictest gun laws. Whist rifles and shotguns are permissible, most hands guns are not. Still, degenerates and mental defects will find other means of committing crimes and murders.

22 March 2023 | USCCA | Gun Control

Be Responsible: Not A “two-tier Starmer”

Firstly, stop depending on the government. One of the worse systems in the world is a Socialist system. UK has a labour government moving in that direction, with “Two-tier Starmer”. Imagine the South Americans coming over the border to the US only to discover that it’s similar to what they left behind. Venezuela USA?

Look at the visuals. You have ‘tent city’ in downtown Los Angeles. Shootings during the day in Chicago whilst Mayor ‘Leadfoot’ sings TikTok Karaoke and ‘rumble in the jungle’ on New York subway platforms, not to mention ‘knock out’ games on their streets.

Be Accountable: Don’t Be a “Markle”

Secondly, excel at self-reliance. And please don’t copy Meghan Markle’s whingeing. Moreover, “Markled” is in the urban dictionary. View her as a ‘warning and cautionary tale’ of what not to do if you want to THRIVE. Instead, start producing and resourcing. We showed you a glimpse of how to achieve this in our Coronavirus bootcamp reports on ‘Happiness is a Habit’ and ‘Harvesting Abundance’.

Habits take time to develop. So, don’t be too hard on yourselves if you don’t get it the first time. The only way you are going to achieve success in building resources and producing is to just start. That is where Prepping 101 come into play.

Be Aware: Warning from Chicago

Thirdly, take stock of everything you own and supply the rest. You know when you are in an economic crisis when currency prices fluctuate, coupled with inflation and limited ‘supply chain’ resources. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that something is wrong. The best time to take stock and build is when you don’t need it.

Chicago USA just replaced “Leadfoot” with a Racist and a Bigot. Indeed, don’t depend on Chicago to save you. Furthermore, they will continue to “defund the police” and let off murderers and thugs with a slap on the wrist.

Brandon Johnson has a 14% approval rating 🤡🤡

GB Media | 27 November 2024 (Update). We will say it again. Vote better!!! Moreover, do your own research and stop listening to legacy media. Besides, they are on ‘life support’. Instead, explore the world of podcasts. Additionally, here’s our short list of recommended podcasters. However, as always, think critically and don’t believe everything you see, hear and read. Above all, be curious, discern, dissect and delve ‘beneath the surface’. Besides being a critical thinker, be a critical listener. Words are easy. Action is harder. Most importantly, be aware of flip-floppers like Brandon Johnson. Sometimes people change strategy or direction to pursue a better path. This is not Brandon Johnson. He will do and say whatever to get your vote and confidence. Then he will do the exact opposite of what is good and fair.

27 November 2024 | TheDC Shorts | MIGRANT TAX?

Chicago is a shining example of the failures of Democrat leadership, but keep voting for them! @rockierok3899

Race Hustler Lori Lightfoot is a 🤡

 Lori Lightfoot race hustler loses Mayoral election - Gabrielle Bourne Media

Disclaimer: GB Media no longer posts Fox News reports after 29 November 2022. Our AUS team faced censorship by Fox whilst commenting on their Youtube channel. As free speech proponents, we take this issue very seriously. GB Media recommends alternative podcasters to fill the void. 

9 October 2022 | Fox News

Leadfoot is an example of what not to be like as a mayor,… and as a person. @Rob M

Get the ‘Hell Out of My City’ 🤡

16 March 2023 | Forbes Breaking News

She’s a prime example of what you get when you elect people based on attributes other than merit. @Amie*

What Hurricanes have in common with Prepping 101

Hurricanes are one of those few natural disasters with early warning. Unlike earthquakes, hurricanes develop over time and we can visually see its pending path days, if not weeks before the event occurs. Hurricanes usually come with warnings, yet some don’t prepare for it. Why? It’s like being at the beach and watching a Tsunami happen, when your instincts are telling you to get to higher ground.

Why is it important to have a Go Bag, cash on hand, fully charged batteries and backups and a full tank of petrol? Prepping 101, or what we call, Prep Defence 101 alleviates most of those bad scenarios you see played out on the news when a disaster or a pandemic hits. Don’t be that person going bonkers in the grocery store staring at empty shelves or looking for petrol in all the empty stations.

Prepping 101 or Prep Defence 101 is for everyone. Stay tuned for reports on creating food resources, Go Bag basics and defending your livelihood and properties.

10-October-2022 | Neil Oliver | The 9 most terrifying words in the English language…