Here are the Facts Why Meghan Markle is a Fraud

Meghan Markle dumped her dog
Meghan Markle is a fraud. She is no dog lover. The real truth is that she dumped one of her precious furry kids in Canada before moving to the UK. She wanted to be Prince Harry’s wife more.
It was widely reported that she dumped her rescue dog Bogart shortly before moving to the United Kingdom. Whilst her other rescue Guy lives in royal comfort, Bogart was “mysteriously” adopted by friends of the former actress. True to form, the Duchess is keeping quiet about the whole debacle. Because it unleashed a firestorm on social media. The public want to know, ‘What happened to Bogart?’

Meghan Markle is a Fraud: The Lies She Spins
The only comment about her dogs was a brief statement made during her engagement interview. This statement supports why Meghan Markle is a Fraud. A true dog lover would never leave one pup “behind” with friends.
I have two dogs that I’ve had for quite a long time, both my rescue pups. And one is now staying with very close friends and my other little guy is, yes, he’s in the UK, he’s been here for a while.
Furthermore, Meghan Markle told Best Health during an interview she did back in 2016 that Ellen DeGeneres told her to get the dog. Best Health updated this article on 28th November 2017. Degeneres had a different recollection, stating, “I don’t remember the story, actually, but obviously she does”. DeGeneres made this claim on her show that aired on 28th November 2017, the same date as the updated Best Health article. In fact, she read excerpts from the article on her show. Markle’s “story” and claim by DeGeneres come at 2:00 on the video.
The Lies that are “Spun” for Meghan Markle
The Palace, of course, played along in an attempt to make light of the whole situation. They wanted to provide some semblance of a logical reason for leaving Bogart behind. This is what the palace spokesperson added.
It takes a toll on an animal to travel so far across Atlantic combined with the hard, long process of getting approval. It’s in the best interest of the animal’s well-being to stay.”
Contrary to claims made by some media outlets, Bogart is younger than Guy by at least one or two years. Meghan Markle confirmed this during an interview with Best Health. The article was updated in 2017. The original interview took place in May 2016, according to their 2017 headline. The Best Health update ‘may’ have occurred to coincide with the engagement news.

Meghan Markle’s “Other” dog broke his legs
As a champion of rescue animals and one who has consistently traveled with my furry babies in tow, I find the whole situation a bit murky and disingenuous. The actions of the Duchess of Sussex exacerbates the argument that perhaps she was indeed a “social climber”. She is “calculating” and will apathetically discard that which does not promote her further welfare. This includes people and her furry child. Her timid response to the question of her dogs was quite revealing. Was it age? Was it a medical condition? Or just fitting into a Royal lifestyle? All these are speculative, of course.
In addition to the story of Bogart is how her other rescue, Guy, broke two of his legs. All press reports indicate that this did occur, shortly after the engagement announcement, but nothing was revealed on how this occurred, only that he was being “treated.”
How to bring your furry kids to the United Kingdom
In 2012, the United Kingdom had relaxed their rules regarding traveling with and re-locating domestic animals into the country.
In the past, long quarantine of up to six months was possible. But since the policy change, a quarantine of four months would not be necessary. Travellers had to follow their simple rules and produce the proper documentations. It really is THAT simple, thus the remarks by the palace does not pass the truth test. Britons love dogs and the United Kingdom is one of the dog-friendliest countries!
Was Bogart’s mixed-breed the issue?
Bogart is a mixed-breed Shepard. Meghan Markle confirmed he was 9 months old at the time of the 16th July 2013 interview with BuzzFeed. That would put Bogart just under five years old today. He was not too old to travel. There were also no reports of any health ailments. Did Bogart the mix-breed just not fit in to the Royal mould? Interestingly, the Beagle is a breed developed in Great Britain, so perhaps that is how Guy the Beagle made the cut.

Update: 26 May 2018: We have included a link to another article that exposed the “fake news” and “PR stunt” of Guy the dog, supposedly riding to the wedding with Queen Elizabeth II. Was this an attempt to deflect the attention of Bogart’s demise by Markle’s people? This report comes from conservative, “Mad World News.” Whilst our policies vastly differ, the question of Meghan Markle’s dog, Bogart lingers. Their headline reads:
Meghan’s PR Stunt With Dog ‘Guy’ Backfires As Sad Ending For Dog ‘Bogart’ Exposed.

Update: 29 May 2018: Grazia Daily incorrectly reported that Bogart was ‘considerably older’ and in ‘worse health’ than Guy. Bogart is actually younger than Guy, confirmed by Meghan Markle in her interview with Best Health. There is no corroborating evidence that Bogart was in worse health.