Oops she did it again! She ripped off The Social Dilemma

Below: The Bench 2021 vs The Boy on the Bench 2018 (UK)
Response on Plagiarism controversy by Averiss 😜

Is Meghan Markle ‘Commercialising’ her children’s book?
Why Meghan Markle is a Serial Plagiarist
Meghan Markle is a serial plagiarist. Our premise begins in 1995 with her copyright of a phrase, taken out of context, from a song. It continues to the present. And no doubt this will not be the end.
Markle’s lack of originality may be the result of her career as an actress. Some actors are better off with a script. They have problems ‘on the fly‘. In Markle’s case, she continues to put forth ideas and works by others. Markle edits copy by replacing and re-ordering words. It may not be an exact duplication, but the close proximity to the original is suspicious.
It is easy to employ simple techniques to credit and reference. These include footnotes and citations. We use them all the time to credit photos, graphics and videos. An honest person would understand the importance to give credit where due. Markle doesn’t believe this is important. Her actions make this clear. That’s why people are calling her out.
Meghan Markle doesn’t know how to craft a speech
Please help Markle get a clue or a script! The less inspiring Markle has borrowed from more prominent figures and even a television show. These include Steve Jobs, Elenor Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy and Grey’s Anatomy, to name a few.
Let’s help Markle craft a speech. So, how do you craft a winning speech? First, the speech has to stand on its own merits. It has to be original and relevant. Second, speeches that include other’s works should be referenced. Whilst ideas cannot be trademarked, borrowing from popular culture can surely get you noticed! And not in a good way when you are a plagiarist!
Fortune’s Women Summit – Markle spins a yarn
The Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit took place on 29th September-1st October 2020. It was a virtual event. During the event, Markle claimed she didn’t use social media. All accounts were handled by staff. We assume she was talking about the Sussex Royal Instagram account. Markle claimed she shut down her old social media accounts. So, why didn’t she shut down Sussex Royal when she “Mexited”?
Markle managed personal Instagram, Twitter and Facebook accounts before marrying Prince Harry. She also managed her lifestyle blog the Tig. Some even believed the rumours of a “secret” account on Twitter called “Working Actress”. This has not been verified. Markle may have closed down her social media accounts, but The Tig is very much active, well at least in the background. The Tig is due to expire on 24th February 2023, unless Markle resurrects it. Markle can also resurrect Sussex Royal. It’s still active. Maybe she is waiting for the Queen to die. It was at the Queen’s directive that she and Prince Harry not use the name, “Sussex Royal”.
Markle made multiple claims she was not on social media. But she constantly whines about being bullied from these platforms. For a person who spent years pretending on the small screen, she certainly has a “thin skin”. She can’t distinguish between ‘criticism’ and ‘bullying’. She only wants positive news about her. If this is the case, then live a life that warrants respect. In Markle’s “perfect” world, she wants to be loved by everyone. This is an impossible feat for critical thinkers like us. How can you love a virtue signalling hypocrite who ditched her dog?
Meghan Markle is a Serial Plagiarist – The Social Dilemma ‘ripped off’
Markle is accused of ripping off The Social Dilemma. The similarities are obvious. Markle knows how to reword phrases. At the end of the day, they still mean the same things. For this reason, Markle is being criticised. In Markle’s world, however, it’s called bullying. 🤣
- “There are very few things in the world where you call the person who’s engaging with it a ‘user’. People who are addicted to drugs and people on social media.” (Meghan Markle)
- “There are only two industries that call their customers “users”: illegal drugs and software.” (Edward Tufte, The Social Dilemma)
Meghan Markle is a serial plagiarist and here’s the proof
Markle wants Biden’s job one day. She’s in good company. They are both serial plagiarists. In July 2020, we provided other examples. We also exposed Prince Harry’s racist past.
In 1995, Markle filed copyright for the phrase: A face without freckles is a night without stars. The phrase originated from Thomas Markle Sr. He was old enough to know the song. It’s not surprising he changed the phrase to fit Markle who had a lot of freckles as a child. Father’s do that for their children. Paula Joy Welter’s song, ‘A Sky with no blue’ contains the line: ‘A girl without freckles is like a night without stars‘.
Meghan’s Puppet: Harry “plagiarised” Prince William’s speech?
Editors Note (21-July-2022): Prince Harry follows his wife. Did he plagiarise Prince William’s speech? You be the judge.

Current Markle stories can be found here.