Meghan Markle Ignored racism

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Meghan Markle ignored ‘systematic’ racism at Immaculate Heart High

Markle commencement speech expose cover
Image credit: Youtube

The media top headline should have read, “Meghan Markle ignored racism”. But the main stream media missed this huge news story in 2020! Because they were too busy fawning over Meghan Markle, it seemed.

It’s all Fake news!

Back in June, they claimed Markle gave a “commencement speech” to her alma mater, Immaculate Heart High School. It turned out to be FAKE news! Markle wasn’t an invited speaker, nor did she take part in the commencement programme. The school also never posted the video, nor promoted it. Most importantly, the media completely missed the social media posts about the racism at the school. It’s ironic that Markle should talk about George Floyd and support Black Lives Matter, when she completely ignored racism at her own high school alma mater.

The main stream media is no longer the ‘beacon of light’ when it comes to truth. It can’t even hold itself accountable. Indeed, they have become a carbon copy of themselves. They achieve this by regurgitating the same exact stories. Truth be damned! Fact checking doesn’t have the weight it once did.

Since no main stream news outlets covered this story, Gabrielle Bourne Media wrote an exposé on 18th June 2020, as a result of it. This is where critical thinking takes over. It is better not to blindly believe in everything, in other words be smarter. Even Oprah Magazine jumped on the band wagon. Frankly speaking, they are not the authority of truth.

Meghan Markle ignored the systemic racism at Immaculate Heart High School
Meghan Markle Archive | Tone-deaf Racism | 18-June-2020

Prince Harry ‘Mimicked South Asian speech in a derogatory, racist way’.

Meghan Markle Ignored racism - Wallis Hitler
Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'Meghan Markle'
~ Daily Mail 12-February-2009
Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'Meghan Markle'
Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'Meghan Markle'
~ Evening Standard 31-August-2017

bud-bud-ding-ding (offensivederogatoryMimicking South Asian speech in a derogatory, racist way.