Interrupting Whiteness

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In June, the City of Seattle created ‘diversity’ training materials on ‘interrupting whiteness’. They then gave them to the city’s municipal participants.

In order to make amends to blacks, indigenous and people of colour, the ‘whites’ were told they must alter their behaviour and lifestyles to appear less ‘white.’ This could be accomplished by giving up ‘comfort,’ ‘physical safety,’ ‘social status’ and even relationships with ‘some other white people.’ They must also give up control over other people and over the land. 

Sound familiar? Of course this is more illiberal nonsense. This is wrapped around a dangerous practice of Critical Race Theory (CRT). It’s also straight out of BLM Inc playbook. Just give up your land white people because you have ‘white privilege’.

Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'Critical Race Theory'''

Christopher Rufo Investigates

The investigative reporting by Christopher Rufo is quite interesting, given the current political mood of the U.S. Rufo is the Director of Discovery Institute’s Center on Wealth & Poverty. He is also the Contributing Editor of City Journal. He submitted a public records request for all relevant documents pertaining to this ‘training’ in hopes of learning more about it. Rufo wrote a piece in City Journal, titled, “Cult Programming in Seattle.”

Racism has been largely attributed to whites. But the definition itself isn’t white, black, brown, yellow or red. It has nothing to do with being in the majority or minority race groups. And NOTHING to do with ‘Prejudice + Power’ (The Angry Black Woman). It has everything to do with racial ‘superiority.’

Blacks can be racists too and can project racist attitude towards another race. Reverse racism is not ‘racism’ at all since it is not based on racial superiority, but on programmes that favours the minority race over the majority. Affirmative action would be an example.

Indoctrination training that promote the superiority of one race over another whilst subjugating another race group to mere servitude of that race is a racist programme. This was not a diversity training for all, on equal footing and fairness. It was a condemnation of the ‘white race’ IN TOTO. And it was blatant racism. Rufo stated that “the City of Seattle ‘refused to provide the names of the diversity trainers, the budget for the programme or the video of the session.”

13-June-2023 | John Stossel | Chris Rufo – Anti-woke Warrior

The “missing” Main Stream Media

Whilst researching this programme, we wanted to use corroborated storylines from other media coverages. It was stunning to witness not one main stream American media outlet picked up the story, including CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post or the New York Times. There was a steady stream of conservative and right-wing media such as TownHall and of course the Daily Mail and The Sun in the UK, but the major media ‘gatekeepers’ were asleep at the wheel – again!

Seattle is America’s ‘Trojan Horse.’ Chris Rufo leaves us with this bit, “When you find something like this in your community, expose it, criticise it, mock it, and reject it.” 

Investigative Discoveries

Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'Critical Race Theory'
Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'Critical Race Theory'''
Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'Critical Race Theory'''
Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'Critical Race Theory'
Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'Critical Race Theory'
Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'Critical Race Theory'''
Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'Critical Race Theory'''
Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'Critical Race Theory'''
Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'Critical Race Theory'
Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'Critical Race Theory'
Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'Critical Race Theory'
Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'Critical Race Theory'

In Conclusion

Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'Critical Race Theory'