Ngozi Fulani is a Fraud
What happened to the thousands of pounds ‘donated’ to Sistah Space? Ngozi Fulani is a fraud and a hypocrite. She is also a Meghan Markle sycophant, who praised her in… Read more »
What happened to the thousands of pounds ‘donated’ to Sistah Space? Ngozi Fulani is a fraud and a hypocrite. She is also a Meghan Markle sycophant, who praised her in… Read more »
Shannon Coulter is “literally” the ‘Illiberal Noisemaker’. Pass the popcorn for the Shannon Coulter Twitter Meltdown and welcome to The Shit Show. Written and directed by Sharon Coulter, the ‘mean Coulter’.
Tariq Nasheed Holiday Inn was an epic FAIL! If Nasheed wanted to start a race war, well it went over like a lead brick. THUD!
By Race-baiter standards, Meghan Markle wouldn’t be ‘black enough”. But playing the “race card” makes her black enough to race hustlers.
Here is why Lindsey Bloom is a Twitter bully. In July 2018, she bullied a 16 year old on Twitter with this tweet. Note the phrase, ‘Poor white trash’.
Here is why Suzanne Soto is a Twitter bully. In July 2018, she bullied a 16 year old on Twitter. The 16 year old Twitter user made a comment about Megan Markle’s pronunciation of ‘scone’. Gone instead of bone. This was such a mundane conversation. But, along came Suzanne Soto…
Sarah Jeong New York Times is a racist and here is why. If you want to discuss ‘racism’ to make a positive change, then more power to you. But Jeong never did that. Instead, she mocked people. She stated her hatred for cops and white people.
DRT Strategies covered up for Lindsey Bloom the Bigot. They did nothing about the complaint. Then Twitter suspended her for Hateful Conduct.
The Smithsonian’s ‘cultural institution’ is supposed to be “devoted exclusively to the documentation of African American life, history, and culture”. But the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) FAILED.
Sarah Jeong believes that ‘reverse racism’ isn’t real. She falls in line with countless other similar claims made by people of colour. Is she exempt from being a ‘racist’ because ‘racism’ only applies to ‘white’ people? No. Jeong is wrong. Her past tweets prove that she is a bigot and a racist.