Category: Media Bias and Culture Wars

Media bias and culture wars exists because of Illiberal presenters. What do Don Lemon (CNN), Oprah Winfrey (Harpo), Sunny Hostin (The View), Joy-Ann M. Lomena-Reid (MSNBC) and Chris Cuomo (CNN), among others have in common? They all ‘hustle’ the race card in front of television audiences. Instead of using their platforms to unite, their rhetoric is divisive and harmful. They promote skin colour above all else, not character. They conflate ‘criticism’ and ‘racism’, as one unified degree. And they dangerously push ethnocentric ideology. Many of these black media Illiberals supported the riots and destruction by crazed BLM supporters. Don Lemon watched as opportunistic thugs and gangs looted and burned down communities. He even equated this to the Boston Tea Party of 1773! This is why sane people have been searching for alternative media, thus the popularity of shows like Megyn Kelly and Dave Rubin.