Harry and Meghan Netflix Flop: Did not ‘Live to Lead’
Harry and Meghan Netflix flop proves they are not sustainable as producers or leaders. When you have *Ndileka Mandela criticising the ‘use’ of her grandfather’s legacy and “lefties” like Jacinda Ardern distancing herself, then you know you are in the D-list of “celebrity” wannabe…a position the Harkles know well. In The Palace Papers, Tina Brown wrote that Harry was sixth in line to the British throne (prior to the passing of Queen Elizabeth II). Megs was number six on the call sheet of Suits.
The real testament for a production company is whether they can successfully navigate multiple genres. Unfortunately for ‘Ginge and Whinge’ the answer is a resounding NO. They are a one trick pony, dishing dirt on the Royals, Prince Harry’s family. Live to Lead was just a blip…and a barely noticeable one at that. Who wants ‘motivational gloop’ by Harry and Meghan?
*Ndileka Mandela backtracks in a piece she wrote for Newsweek on 20th January 2023. In a bizarre twist, she characterises Meghan as a “woman of colour”. Mandela laces the article with racist undertones and “colonialism”. No critical thinker is buying what Mandela is peddling. She writes that people are profiting off her grandfather’s legacy. But isn’t Harry and Meghan doing the same? Live to Lead was part of a multi-million deal with Netflix.

Harry and Meghan: Whingeing in Six Parts
Netflix dropped. Pass the vomit bucket for the projectiles. Meghan Markle channels Norma Desmond.
Gabrielle Bourne Media sat this one out. No clicks for Netflix from us, but the programme picked up enough curiosity views to count its debut as a ‘success’. It was largely panned by critics as a ‘Beautiful Propaganda’. The Mockumentary is getting a wringing for all its LIES and MISINFORMATION, even before it dropped. Nothing much to reveal. More FAKE news from the pair of Jokers.
Nothing the gruesome twosome touches EVER turns to Gold. Pearl failed to see the light. The Bench was benched. Finding Freedom was a “fantasy autobiography”, as Markle helped the authors. The Me You Can’t See…or Believe was a one-off for Apple TV. Spotify tanked. So much for all that hype and payments to two talentless headline grabbers.
Meghan Markle had proven with each new Spotify podcast how irrelevant she really was. Her podcast was a novelty, more a curiosity, when it started. Then it became a joke, memes and a punch line. She wasn’t cracking any barriers, but proving her ‘archetype’ as The Whinge. In the Urban dictionary, “Markled” is listed for all the wrong reasons. None of Markle’s episodes are in the top 100 on the Spotify charts for UK, US, AU and CAN (15th December).
Harry and Meghan Netflix Flop: ‘Gaslighting’

“Mr. Demille, I’m ready for my closeup“
There is no end to Meghan Markle’s ‘deceptive nature’ and ‘abject dishonesty’ (Megyn Kelly)

Mr. Demille, do you mind if I say a few words? Thank you. I just want to tell you all how happy I am to be back in the studio, making a picture again. You don’t know how much I’ve missed all of you. And I promise you I’ll never desert you again. After Salome, we’ll make another picture…And another picture. You see, this is my life. It always will be. There’s nothing else. Just us…And the cameras… And those wonderful people out there in the dark. All right, Mr. Demille, I’m ready for my closeup.
Norma Desmond, Sunset Boulevard

Prince Harry sat there “like an idiot” and “grinned” as his wife, Meghan Markle, “mocked” the Queen in the couple’s Netflix documentary ~ Rita Panahi
This is why Integrity Matters