Sarah Jeong

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Sarah Jeong New York Times is a racist and here is why. If you want to discuss ‘racism’ to make a positive change, then more power to you. But Jeong never did that. Instead, she mocked people. She stated her hatred for cops and white people. Jeong is a public figure and thus should be a ‘role model’. She is in a position to influence for good. Instead, she chose to promote racist thoughts. Her tweets were full of venom. She illustrated her hatred.

The role of the New York Times in the Race-baiting

All the whilst, The New York Times went along with it. We are lumping Sarah Jeong and New York times together because they are both race hustlers. The New York Times also condoned her actions. Here is what they stated:

Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for ‘Sarah Jeong’

Sarah Jeong didn’t last long. She left the editorial board one year later in August 2019. But she still remained at the New York Times in some capacity. Deputy editorial page editor Kate Kingsbury told CNN, “Sarah decided to leave the editorial board in August. But we’re glad to still have her journalism and insights around technology in our pages through her work as a contributor.” Her remaining proved that the New York Times condoned her tweets.

Racists don’t change spots. They get hired

Here is a piece we wrote in July 2020, titled, Sarah Jeong believes ‘reverse racism‘ isn’t real but she’s still a racist. We also included Nick Cannon. He stated, “white people” are “closer to animals” and “savages”. He was fired by ViacomCBS for his anti-Semitic rhetoric in July 2020 and rehired by them less than one year later in February 2021. Apparently Cannon showed enough remorse.

Priyamvada Gopal stated, “White Lives don’t matter”. She said that it was to counter ‘White Lives matter’. She supports black lives matter. If she valued black lives, then she should also value white lives. A life, no matter the skin colour should have value. Only racists focus on skin colour.

This is the same woman that demanded that porters at King’s College call her “Dr Gopal” instead of ‘madam’. It’s ironic, how she exercised her ‘class privilege’ whilst accusing the porters of discrimination. Kings Cross immediately shot back and defended the porters. They did not find any wrong doing.

Gopal is a Professor of Postcolonial Studies in the Faculty of English at the University of Cambridge

Sarah Jeong ‘racist’ tweets caught up to her

Sarah Jeong comes to the New York Times with the baggage of inflammatory and racist Twitter posts. Howard Kurtz has more for ‘Special Report.’

~ Fox News 3-August-2018

“People of colour can be racist too”

gayle king – Race-baiter / Flying monkey
IN DENIAL – SoHo Karen Is A Person of Colour And CAN’T Be Racist? Miya Ponsetto, also known as “SoHo Karen”, told Gayle King that she cannot be racist because she is a person of colour. 22-year-old Ponsetto got into an altercation with 14-year-old Keyon Harrold, Jr. over her cell phone at the swanky “Arlo” Hotel in Manhattan. The incident was, of course, recorded, and after the video went viral. ~ Anthony Brian Logan 12-JAN-21