DRT Strategies Covered up for Lindsey Bloom the Bigot

This is how DRT Strategies covered up for Lindsey Bloom the Bigot. We blame DRT Strategies for covering up the bigoted activities of their employee, Lindsey Bloom. She ran amuck, unchecked and we are calling them out for it here. Rachel Salinger reached out to DRT Strategies through DM via Twitter to complain about Lindsey Bloom and was blocked by DRT Strategies. Instead of processing the complaint, and looking at Lindsey Bloom’s tweets, they swept it ‘under the rug’.
Lindsey Bloom thought she was ‘above the law’ when it came to harassment. Just like a troll, she felt emboldened behind the computer screen, as if that was going to protect her somehow. She spewed venom and hate, all with the blessings of DRT Strategies, since they did nothing to stop it. Lindsey Bloom worked as Delivery Manager at DRT Strategies. Well, Twitter suspended her account for HATEFUL CONDUCT.

Lindsey Bloom even tried to HIDE behind her twitter profile, as if that was going to help with her anonymity. She also tried to protect her tweets. Twitter isn’t stupid. They know what you have been up to, even if you try to hide. In addition, Lindsey Bloom followed and was followed by the vile members of the Sussex Squad.
The RABID crazies known as the Sussex Squad spew venomous hate for the British Royal Family. Their primarily targets are the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Even their children are targeted as well.

Lindsey Bloom was not on Twitter to have a conversation or debate. Sure, DRT Strategies could cover up all they want, but the fact remains that Lindsey Bloom was a troll.