Tariq Nasheed is a Racebaiter and a Racist.

Genesee Valley Center Macys
Tariq Nasheed is a Racebaiter and a Racist. Because he hates white people. He posts videos about them by other black people. However, Nasheed is not operating with a full deck. The latest video turned out to be fake news.
At a Genesee Valley Center Macys’ in Flint, Michigan, Damire Canell Palmer, 18 is video taped by his brother, FT Quay, 22 a rapper. Evidence, including store surveillance show, the assault was ‘unprovoked’. However, Nasheed posted the video anyways.
Who is Tariq Nasheed?
According to Wikipedia, Tariq Nasheed is a ‘conspiracy theorists’. Nasheed characterised himself as the #1 race baiter on his Twitter profile. He states he bates ‘racists and exposes them’. But he only seems to expose ‘white people’ he disagrees with. He also calls them “White Supremacists’. Maybe he wasn’t held enough as a child. Nasheed is the worse of humanity. He delights in distributing videos with fake narratives. This racist dullard even got Twitter verified. This goes to show that Twitter is not relevant when it comes to truth. If they even know what that means.
Nasheed is a black supremacist. Because he believes the black race is superior to the white race. He views himself as absolute and correct. Whilst blacks can do no wrong, white people are ‘trash’ to be ridiculed and exposed. It doesn’t matter what the narrative. Nasheed is not arguing for ‘equality’ or ‘fairness’. He wants black domination. Nasheed is a racebaiter and a racist.

Surveillance evidence doesn’t matter to Tariq Nasheed the Racebaiter
Tariq Nasheed ‘race baited’ this video, originally posted by FT Quay to his Facebook page. Nasheed’s video caption read, “A man at a store in Flint allegedly referred to a Black man in the store as a ‘n——‘ while talking on the phone. The Black man overheard him, then things went left.” Nasheed never investigated the story. Why would he. Typical racebaiter. The video went viral with the FALSE narrative. FT Quay later took down the video but Tariq Nasheed NEVER corrected his original tweet.
According to Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton, Damire Canell. Palmer is seen walking around the store on Macy’s surveillance. He sucker punches the 50 year old manager ‘in the head from behind’. There was no use of the ‘N’ word. Palmer was later arrested and could face up to 10 years felony assault.

Race baiters like Tariq Nasheed only care about ONE NARRATIVE. The whites are racists and the blacks are victims. But even in a ‘fake universe’ like Twitter, there are people who will challenge the race baiters. And shut them down with the truth. Nasheed, like all other ‘race baiters’ will use and reuse the ‘race card’. Often to perpetuate black VICTIMHOOD for likes and clicks. Because they have no other argument to offer. Rather the argument is so circular, they sound uneducated. It’s embarrassing to witness such a tremendous car crash. But there you have it!

The man and child photo and Fake News by Tariq Nasheed
Here is the problem with racebaiters and racists like Tariq Nasheed. They are missing the ‘critical thinking’. The photo of man with child was posted by Richard Grant on his Instagram page.

Tariq Nasheed thinks Blacks and Browns didn’t loot
Tariq Nasheed is in serious denial. Even state run CNN showed blacks and browns, mostly looting.

Remember this?
Nasheed via his Instagram page:
“Whassup family, I am #LAX and I just found out the UK government has banned me from coming to the UK to show #HiddenColors5 . They just sent an email denying me to even enter the UK,”
“I called the UK government to find out the particular reason, and the official on the phone told me the memo said :” Tariq Nasheed is not conducive to the good of the public” of the UK“. I’m still trying to find out more info about this ban, and how extensive it is.#wow #HC5”.
Nasheed said on video that the UK government issued LAX a letter denying him entry into the country.