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➡️ The Kassándra Chronicles: CRT and other Illiberal Nonsense includes indexed articles ⬅️

Who was Kassándra?

The Kassándra Chronicles exposes CRT and other Illiberal Nonsense.

Kassándra was the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba, consequently of the ill-fated Trojan War of Greek Mythlology. The gift that Apollo bestowed upon Kassándra was prophecy. She was a Priestess and loved by Apollo, but she rejected him. Her punishment for rebuking him was severe. Kassándra saw the fall of Troy. But no one believed her.

There are modern day Kassándras and most are right leaning conservatives. The illiberal left calls these predictions “conspiracy theories”. Yet, predictions such as gender ideology indoctrination in schools are coming true. Will the “depopulation” predictions come true as well? Contrary to the claims made by Bill Gates, et al, the world population has been slowing and declining. Furthermore,“puberty blockers” can make kids receiving them infertile.

The Racial Victim Hierarchy

10 September 2024 | Matt Walsh | Racial Victim Hierarchy

CRT and other Illiberal Nonsense

These nonsensical ‘attributes’ will have an adverse effect on society. Besides Identity Politics, Gabrielle Bourne Media will expose the harm caused by ESG scores and DEI hiring. In other words, Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance, together with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Additionally, the rash of gender ideology and transgenerism will expose the weakness of the West and give rise to new super powers.

Furthermore, these unsustainable and sometimes ‘lethal’ cocktails of illiberal nonsense has regressed the Western societies, especially the United States, back to a “pillage and plunder” ecosystem. Moreover, this has given rise to ‘Black Power’ movements on the streets of Democratic strong holds like NYC and Chicago, where criminals run amuck, whilst the government and police salute Trans flags.

‘Am I a Racist’?

A group of anti-racist leftists called the police on me while we were filming my new movie, “Am I Racist?” We now have the police reports, and they are even funnier than you’d expect them to be.

19 August 2024 | Matt Walsh

CRT and other Illiberal Nonsense: Fake Influencers

Meta (Facebook), Instagram and yes, ‘old’ Twitter’ has failed society. Gabrielle Bourne Media distinguishes ‘old’ Twitter under Jack Dorsey. The blue-check verified ‘celebrity’ and ‘influencer’ accounts are a sham. Do you want to hear political views from JLo or Taylor Swift? Moreover, some of these are Illiberal Noisemakers and not ‘influencers’. Besides, they can only influence sheep, not leaders or critical thinkers. Furthermore, they are taking society down the wrong path. Many don’t believe in free speech, albeit they tell you that they do. Additionally, watch what they do and not what they say. Because, their words and actions don’t match. That’s a tell sign.

Parents, students and graduates should demand money back from the ‘woke’ universities. Because they are total BONKERS! Moreover, do you know what they are teaching your kids? Are you the subject of such poppycock at your employment too? Do employers want to check your ‘white privilege’? Illiberal nonsense is a contagion, and unfortunately, it’s everywhere from universities to companies.

Gabrielle Bourne Media is the BIG RED flashing sign that says, ‘DANGER’. In other words, ‘iceberg’ ahead. Some people think that an iceberg just floats around. They don’t realise that some icebergs are the size of mountains, but most of it is under water. We are here to expose the bits that you cannot see.

Flags not of our Forebearer

CRT and other Illiberal Nonsense

23 June 2023 | TheDC Shorts

“We are Losing Our Sense of Free Thinking”

Say what?!!! There are a hundred different definitions of gender? The BBC told staff there were more than 150! A strong argument for defunding the BBC. Don’t be a sheep, think on your feet! (GB Media)

Disclaimer: GB Media no longer supports GB News. Furthermore, there will be no new posts after September 2023. GB News sacked The Rev’d Fr Calvin Robinson in order to ‘set an example’, which was not a just cause. Additionally, they railed against MainStream Media (MSM) but became more of the same. Moreover, the MSM and U.S. legacy media are on life support. As well as GB News. We recommend these alternative podcasters to fill the void.

29 May 2022 | GB News

The ‘Western’ Obsession with Socialism

Socialism always fails! But people still want it. Certainly, why they should listen to Gloria Alvarez. In 2020, Gabrielle Bourne Media posted, Scandinavian Socialism Myth because Bernie Sanders is an old rich guy who doesn’t know what he is talking about.

02 May 2023 | John Stossel

What is the Point of Pride?

Lukas Degutis joined by Douglas Murray and Julie Bindel to discuss Pride Month and how it has changed over the years. For better? Or for worse? (The Spectator)

11 June 2023 | The Spectator

Fight! Fight! Parents Unite! 🔥

In this video, a black mother explains why she is concerned about the promotion of gender theory and transgenderism to children in public schools. Why is this happening when so many parents believe that the innocence of their children should be a priority, not gender theory? This God-loving-and-fearing mom spoke at the Wake County School Board Meeting in North Carolina.

3 July 2023 | TFP Student Action

Leave OUR CHILDREN ALONE. @Politicalanalyst29

CRT and other Illiberal Nonsense: Pronouns 🤡🤣

19 September 2022 | Flashgitz

CRT and other Illiberal Nonsense: Gender Confusion 🤡🤣

When an alien visits Planet Earth…

29 June 2023 | The Babylon Bee | How Many Genders?

CRT and other Illiberal Nonsense: CLIMATE LOCKDOWNS 😳

Alan Miller of the Together Declaration tells Neil Oliver that the push for low-traffic neighbourhoods and 15-minute cities is ‘an attack on cars, our freedom of movement, and our independence’.

Disclaimer: GB Media no longer supports GB News. Furthermore, there will be no new posts after September 2023. GB News sacked The Rev’d Fr Calvin Robinson in order to ‘set an example’, which was not a just cause. Additionally, they railed against MainStream Media (MSM) but became more of the same. Moreover, the MSM and U.S. legacy media are on life support. As well as GB News. We recommend these alternative podcasters to fill the void.

11 March 2023 | GB News | Neil Oliver

CRT Makes you crazy?

Aruna Khilanani (Yale University) wants to “unload a revolver into the head of any white person” that got in her way.

Disclaimer: GB Media no longer posts Fox News reports after 29 November 2022. Our AUS team faced censorship by Fox whilst commenting on their Youtube channel. As free speech proponents, we take this issue very seriously. GB Media recommends alternative podcasters to fill the void. 

06 June 2021 | Dr. Carol M. Swain: Be the People News

Identity Politics, CRT and other Illiberal nonsense

Everything goes through a racial lens when you discuss anything about diversity. But, diversity is not just about race. It’s about culture, social and even ecosystems. Race is a small component of diversity. But don’t tell that to the ‘identity police‘ waving the CRT banner. Unfortunately, diversity got a bad wrap by association, taken down by ‘equity’ and ‘inclusion.’

The downside to CRT is the fact the primary focus is on ‘white supremacy’. Just take a look at where this theory originated. Basically, whites are bad. They have privilege so we want some. “Give me, give me, give me” is all we hear. When you listen to these arguments, you wonder what happened to history and critical thinking. This circular argument reminds us of just what happed to CHAZ/CHOP. We called that experiment a ‘successful failure’.

Identity Politics = ‘Box Tickers’ 🤡

Identity politics favours one group over another. These policies determine which group is the most ‘oppressed’. And just like CRT this practice is through a racial lens. In other words, it’s a “box ticker”. For example, candidate A is white and passed over because candidate B is black, even though candidate B is LESS qualified. That’s the problem with box tickers. That’s why Gabrielle Bourne Media doesn’t do business with or hire ‘box tickers’. We believe in meritocracy.

CRT and Illiberal Nonsense - Sam Brinton

This is a comprehensive article of what is wrong with “woke” warriors who don’t do their due diligence but instead play up identity politics in lieu of common sense. Moreover, these include failures by the Biden administration, LGBQT communities and the Main Stream Media as public “gatekeepers”.

CRT and Illiberal Nonsense - Sam Brinton article

CHAZ/CHOP and CRT Failure

Back on 3rd July 2020, we reported on CHAZ/CHOP and why it was a successful failure. During the seize, you had the ‘Black Liberation Movement’ (BLM) and ANTIFA occupying six blocks of Seattle known as Capitol Hill. Additionally, POC and blacks were in charge and the whites were in ‘indentured servitude’.

They not only created black only areas but gardens for the people of colour (POC). The whites had no rights, apparently. Moreover, the whites guarded the black only areas, whilst blacks and POC lounged around in an open grassy field. Two murders later, CHAZ/CHOP became the highest crime statistics per capita in the U.S.

‘Privileged’ Don Lemon’s Illiberal ‘logic’ about CRT 🤡

Disclaimer: GB Media no longer posts Fox News reports after 29 November 2022. Our AUS team faced censorship by Fox whilst commenting on their Youtube channel. As free speech proponents, we take this issue very seriously. GB Media recommends alternative podcasters to fill the void. 

18 June 2021 | Fox News | Don Lemon biased and unhinged