Meghan Markle is just Fake – U.N. Women & VAX Live

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U.N. Women Procter & Gamble claim and Harry’s VAX Live

UN Women Procter & Gamble standing ovation claim was another Markle fantasy that was busted! It was all a lie!

In December 2017, we submitted our report on Meghan Markle. We were commissioned to investigate her. Albeit at the time, we knew nothing about her. We looked at a variety of factors and evidence, including the BBC interview, as well as ‘in her own words’ to other media.

The most notable was the Elle Magazine article she wrote. In it she claimed that during the UN Women speech in 2015, she received a standing ovation. She recounted the “story” on how she ‘single handedly‘ changed the ad slogan at Procter & Gamble. The UN Women Procter & Gamble claim was made in Elle UK. Elle UK posted the article on 8th November 2016, to coincide with the ‘dating announcement‘, we gather. Regardless, the fact remains, that Markle wrote the article, so it’s actually in her own words, voice and thoughts.

There was a renewed interest in the UN Women claim because of VAX Live, where her hubby, Harry “Haz” supposedly got a standing ovation. We placed a QUESTION MARK on this assertion. Live studio taped shows have audience warmers, if not screens directing audience members how to react. This could include an applause sign. It would not surprise us if VAX Live deployed any number of ‘trade secrets’ to direct the audience to an outcome. It has happened during the Emmys, Golden Globe and even the Oscars.

Why is Markle’s 2015 U.N. Women standing ovation claim being revisited now? We have no idea. But Express UK posted a report on 4th May 2021 about it. Then other media outlets and even Reddit picked up on it. But her claim was debunked in 2016.

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“Robin Hood in reverse”: Markle and Haz pushed for public donations but donated $0

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Meghan Markle’s U.N. Women Procter & Gamble claim in Elle Magazine

Let’s clear the reality from the fantasy. Meghan Markle is not an Humanitarian. She is a ‘hired’ PR spokesperson. It started with that weird Wikipedia entry leading up to Markle and Haz going public with their relationship in November 2016. It elevated her to Humanitarian status just before Kensington Palace announced the relationship. But it was all fake news. The entry was removed. Then three months prior, Markle claimed in her Elle article that she received a standing ovation. Here is what she wrote.

When I gave a speech for International Women’s Day, and Ban Ki-moon led the standing ovation, I thought, ‘This right here is the point.’ To use whatever status I have as an actress to make a tangible impact. I’ve never wanted to be a lady who lunches; I’ve always wanted to be a woman who works. And this type of work is what feeds my soul. The degree to which I can do that both on and off camera is a direct perk of my job.

Standing ovation? More like sitting and applauding politely (9:34)

~ WHAT WE SEEE 13-March-2015

Final Note – Meghan Markle used a teleprompter to all those who thought otherwise. She plagiarised part of her speech as well.

UN Women Procter & Gamble - Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle’s U.N. Women Procter & Gamble claim Fake News

Procter & Gamble spokesperson: “We were moved to HEAR that” so in other words it was news to them! In 27 years, they NEVER acknowledged Meghan Markle’s claim. Huffpost even made a request for response in November 2017 and did not hear back. Then main stream media ran with Markle’s UN Women Procter & Gamble claim. They did so without any credible evidence.

UN Women Procter & Gamble - Meghan Markle

Procter & Gamble’s checkered history partners up with Meghan Markle’s checkered history of lying, plagiarising and ditching her dog.

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UN Women Procter & Gamble - Meghan Marikle
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UN Women Procter & Gamble - Meghan Marikle
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