Category: BLM

Gabrielle Bourne Media supports black lives matter. We do not support Black Lives Matter the organisation. Social Justice is about Freedom of Speech and empowering change that benefits everyone. It is not about the ‘supremacy’ of one race over another. It is not about looting, rioting, lying, cheating or stealing, all the illegal and unethical aspects that BLM, the organisation supports.

It might be cliché to say that All black lives matter, but it’s true. Moreover, what is not true is that BLM Inc. matters. Because they don’t. Furthermore, it is important to make this distinction since BLM Inc is a scam. In addition, they pocketed millions from a movement of lies.

The genesis for this report occurred on 1st July 2020, where we posted our original discoveries about BLM Inc, the organisation. But because “low information voters” ushered in the “Harris/Biden Administration“, it was necessary to repost it again.

Rich results on Google's SERP when searching for 'CHOP CHAZ''

CHAZ/CHOP is a Successful Failure

Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) is formerly known as Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ). It started with a complete take over of six blocks and a park on 8th June 2020. This is the story of why CHAZ/CHOP is a successful failure. Photo is of Horace Lorenzo Anderson Sr. His son was murdered inside CHAZ/CHOP