The media missed a big news story in 2020, whilst fawning over Meghan Markle! They claimed Markle gave a “commencement speech” to her alma mater. It was FAKE news! Whilst all this was going on, the media completely ignored the social media posts about the racism at the school.
In 2015, Meghan Markle admitted she lied to casting directors to get a small part and her Screen Actors Guild (SAG) card. She joked that these casting directors wouldn’t hire her today.
Scandinavia is not Socialist Bernie Sanders perpetrated the Scandinavian socialism myth. He is a capitalist with multiple homes and riches beyond the ‘working’ class. Whilst others on the left have… Read more »
DRT Strategies covered up for Lindsey Bloom the Bigot. They did nothing about the complaint. Then Twitter suspended her for Hateful Conduct.
Does he know where he is? We explore the curious mind of Joe Biden and why in the Rasmussen poll, 38% believed he has Dementia.
This delicious cultured beverage is easier to produce than you think. In the coming weeks, we will provide some recipes and how to start producing Kombucha from scratch.
The Smithsonian’s ‘cultural institution’ is supposed to be “devoted exclusively to the documentation of African American life, history, and culture”. But the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) FAILED.
Sarah Jeong believes that ‘reverse racism’ isn’t real. She falls in line with countless other similar claims made by people of colour. Is she exempt from being a ‘racist’ because ‘racism’ only applies to ‘white’ people? No. Jeong is wrong. Her past tweets prove that she is a bigot and a racist.
In June, the City of Seattle created ‘diversity’ training materials on ‘interrupting whiteness’. They then gave them to the city’s municipal participants.
Tariq Nasheed is a Racebaiter and a Racist who hates white people and posts videos on them. He’s also dumber than a 2×4 and here’s the proof.