Archive: Lies, Hypocrisy and Plagiarism
Meghan Markle’s lies, hypocrisy and plagiarism only scratches the surface. She is the virtue signalling hypocrite who ditched her dog.
Meghan Markle’s lies, hypocrisy and plagiarism only scratches the surface. She is the virtue signalling hypocrite who ditched her dog.
Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) is formerly known as Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ). It started with a complete take over of six blocks and a park on 8th June 2020. This is the story of why CHAZ/CHOP is a successful failure. Photo is of Horace Lorenzo Anderson Sr. His son was murdered inside CHAZ/CHOP
Black Lives Matter lie was perpetrated by BLM Inc and Marxists founders, Patrice Cullors, Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi. BLM Inc. worked toward “dismantling” the nuclear family. You were rejected if white or a black straight male.
The facts about Meghan Markle tone-deaf racism, includes her “crashed” graduation speech at her alma mater and even ‘whiter’ Hollywood roles.
Gabrielle Bourne Media exposed the incendiary rhetoric of Don Lemon BLM riots equating the looting to the Boston Tea Party of 1773. Meanwhile Don’s BFF Chris Cuomo was school on the US Constitution by a guy munching on noodles.
Jerome Adams is failing upwards as the U.S. Surgeon General. The dazed and confused Adams doesn’t know the data and misinforming Americans.
Hey Meghan Markle, where is Bogart? The lovable mixed breed dog was dumped by Markle, so she could become Princess Diana 2.0.
Meghan Markle was a cable actress before she met and subsequently married Prince Harry. Don’t get her history twisted with false narrative.
Ellie Hall BuzzFeed misinformation campaign is a Meghan Markle “puff” piece, without providing any proof. Hall is another “race hustler” who creates imaginary stories for her “Master” Meghan Markle, a woman who lived among white people most of her life.
We believe Meghan Markle “Self-funded” Education is full of holes. We looked at the many inconsistencies. The costs that didn’t add up to her “reality” checks. Markle’s private education costs as well. Did she pay for those? With what? Her milk money?