Message for Harry and Meghan came in the form of an “eviction notice”. No ‘stately home’ in the UK for the Ginge and his Cringey wife. In the words of Yeomni Park, who escaped North Korea, “Lady you really do not know what oppression looks like”.
Here is how the blockheads responded via the BBC and their mysterious “spokesperson”. We are going to add direct quotes, so we can all have a good laugh at their hypocrisy. They called The Sun’s apology a “PR Stunt”.
Harry and Meghan Netflix flop proves they are not sustainable as producers or leaders. They are a one trick pony, dishing dirt on the Royals.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy is our pick for the Puppet Master of the Year. A guy in a green shirt pulls the strings, the UK and the US are just pawns.
What happened to the thousands of pounds ‘donated’ to Sistah Space? Ngozi Fulani is a fraud and a hypocrite. She is also a Meghan Markle sycophant, who praised her in… Read more »
Shannon Coulter is “literally” the ‘Illiberal Noisemaker’. Pass the popcorn for the Shannon Coulter Twitter Meltdown and welcome to The Shit Show. Written and directed by Sharon Coulter, the ‘mean Coulter’.
Twitter verification is overrated. Even the blue check mark descriptions have changed under Elon Musk. Most blue check marks now say, “Legacy” account. Not really notable. In 2013, we wrote how Twitter went public.
Paul Pelosi, Nancy’s husband is back in the news for all the wrong reasons. Paul Pelosi ‘Wag the Dog’ moment was seized by the ‘fake’ media.
Let’s call a spade a spade. Emily Andrews Meghan Markle sycophancy is a superficial attempt to be relevant. Andrews will likely make shit up.
The Meghan Markle Royal demotion is only the beginning. Moreover, the palace and King Charles III have to be consistent with the changes they are planning to the Monarchy. The current royal succession line up is a real mess. Additionally, the incoherent attempt to demote her from the website the weekend of 24th September 2022 was clumsy, at best.